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Life Science Zurich Communication & Events

Our Digital Doppelgangers

Artificial intelligence is also revolutionizing the world of medicine. In the future, we will be able to create digital twins that simulate various processes in our body. These digital representations of ourselves will be able to help us diagnose and treat diseases.

The digital twin is a virtual model that combines a person’s individual data with models of the respective body function. The purpose of these models is to simulate how our body responds to external factors. (Photo:iStock)

They will know us better than we know ourselves. Our digital twins will collect near-live data on our bodies while we go about our daily lives – working, exercising, going out for drinks or visiting the doctor. “Digital twins will be our partners. They will be by our side and advise us,” says physician Claudia Witt. The professor and co-director of the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) at UZH has been involved in a strategic project at the DSI that focuses on artificial intelligence in medicine. The goal of the project was to develop future scenarios of how AI might be used in the field. One of the applications of AI concerns the use of digital representations of persons – their digital twins. This technology exemplifies key issues of the future use of AI in medicine, according to the DSI researchers.

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