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Life Science Zurich Communication & Events

Life Science Zurich Communication & Events

We inform the public about modern life science research and at the same time promote dialog with the public. This is done through exhibitions, science slams, discussion forums, lectures, competitions and much more!  We also support researchers with the organization of scientific meetings.

Our newsletter provides regular information about LSZ activities. You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

Research explained clearly

The FameLab Switzerland Final happening on 26. September 2024 at PROGR in Bern.

The evening will feature exciting scientific presentations by the winners of the local heats in Basel, Lausanne and Zurich. 10 young scientists from the University of Basel, EPFL, ETH and the University of Zurich will compete to represent Switzerland at the FameLab International competition in November 2024. Be inspired and fascinated by the 3-minute talks and vote for your favourite candidate. The competition starts at 6 pm and the bar opens at 5.30 pm. Just pass by, free entry, no registration needed.