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Life Science Zurich Communication & Events

Two Million for Memory Research

Neuroscientist Fritjof Helmchen has been awarded a coveted SNSF Advanced Grant worth CHF 2 million to fund his project researching a new theory of memory formation.

Astrocyte network in the hippocampus of a mouse, yellow. The cell bodies are stained blue. (Image: Peter Rupprecht, Brain Research Institute, UZH)

How the brain stores impressions and experiences and forms memory is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of human biology. Fritjof Helmchen, professor of neuroscience at the UZH Brain Research Institute and head of the Neuroscience Center Zurich (ZNZ) has been working in this area for over two decades, including as co-director of the University Research Priority Program “Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning”.

Now the renowned expert has been awarded funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation for an unconventional project in the area of memory research. The researcher is set to receive CHF 2.3 million over five years in the form of an SNSF Advanced Grant to research a new “neuronal-astroglial theory of memory formation in the hippocampus”.

UZH News
