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Life Science Zurich Communication & Events

FameLab 2018


Dmitry Kopelyanskiy wins the Swiss FameLab final & is an international finalist 2018!

Flyer FameLab Final 2018

Dmitry is originally from Russia where he studied Medicine and Epidemiology. Later, he moved to Israel and then to Germany to study Molecular Biology. Now, he is doing his PhD at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. He is very interested in science communication and teaching as he loves explaining complicated things in a funny and clear way. His talk on "How pathogens hijack our immune system" impressed the jury.

Dmitry represented Switzerland at the international FameLab competition in June 2018.

Dmitry National Winner 2018


Thanks to Dmitry's incredible performance (video) he got selected to the International Famelab Final during the Cheltenham Science Festival!

Thus, he only had 24 hours after the international semifinal to prepare a new talk to amaze jury and public! Dmitry introduced us Boris, the crazy cat infected with Toxoplasma, and Mr Mouse who was driven to love Boris by the evil toxoplasma. Watch his hilarious and full of revelation talk here. In the end, Dmitry and Boris didn’t win, and the first place for FameLab International 2018 was awarded to Siti Khayriyyah Binti Mohd Hanafiah from Malaysia (watch here).

Nevertheless, we are very proud we contributed to send Dmitry to Cheltenham and have him representing Switzerland!